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Day 1: First day of school!

For the first time in months, I changed from my sweatpants into my normal pants with no intention of leaving home, brushed my teeth before 11AM, and jumped online to meet my batch of RC. I started this blog late, so I’ll just post what I wrote for my first check-in:


Met so many friendly people working on cool things. There is not enough time in the world to go down all the rabbit holes. I am already getting FOMO of 12 weeks from now, when we never graduate. Trying to stay in the present moment!

As recommended in the 2PM call, I’ve been mostly going through Zulip to understand which things I should pin (like checkins, RSVPs) and which I should mute (stuff related to in-person, since I am remote for now)

Going to spend the rest of my day before I go back to childcare duties getting my personal site setup so I can keep a public log of what I’m working on at RC. I first heard about RC through Julia Evans’ and I really enjoyed reading through her journal of what she worked on while there. So I’m going to attempt to do something similar. Maybe it will inspire someone else to join a batch one day!


I’ve already been working on going through Building a Compiler in Go for the past couple weeks (code here). I’ve just got function calls with local bindings working this morning before the 11AM call. I’ll spend time tomorrow (and the rest of this week) finishing this up.

I’ll also pair with RCer1 or RCer2 tomorrow and learning more about what I don’t know about re: cache lines

I’ll continue to improve my “Zulip-fu” and organize my digital space effectively to focus on the right things at the right time. Example: I really want to read as many checkins/read about interesting stuff on Zulip as much I can, but its better for me to batch this so that I have focus periods in my day alongside “explore” periods.