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Day 3: Hello, Wizard 🧙


Personal Site

Good news: I got my personal site deployed last night before bed. Bad news: I also went down a rabbithole of writing bad CSS and had a hard time falling asleep after. You live and you learn! You can find it at https://shardul.baral.ca. I’ll continue to post these checkins there.


Started the day off meeting other remote folks. Was great to hear some practical tips about how to make the most of RC as a remote. Basically it came down to

  • ask for help if you need it
  • pair often

In other words, be engaged! Don’t work alone. I’m going to be corny now:

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far (“become a dramatically better programmer”), go together!

More experiments in CPU caching

After my conversations yesterday, I thought maybe the next best step would be to allocate a fixed size array and accept a cmdline parameter which specifies how many bytes at a time we should “stride” through the array. My hypothesis was that reading 1 byte at a time should be pretty fast, since after you read one byte, the next CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1 bytes would already be in the CPU cache.

Interestingly though, reading 1 byte at a time was the slowest (~131ms p50). Reading 128 bytes at a time was the fastest (~3 ms p50). Here is a chart showing how the runtime changed as we increased stride length:

Runtime vs Stride Length

Once again, stumped! [REDACTED RCer] has given me some pointers about what to do next, so I’m going to try that tomorrow.

SICP Meetup

I joined some wizards working through the SICP book. I’m not sure yet if this is something I actually “want” to do vs feel like I “should” do. I did enjoy the things we discussed and got nerdsniped about whether there is a proof for the existence of a tail-recursive procedures for all recursive procedures. I’m going to join the group of wizards starting from chapter one but also give myself permission to quit if I start to feel like working through the book is becoming a drag.


Some folks wanted to get a jumpstart on the chapter 0 material of ARENA. We jumped on a call and mostly spent time going through 100 exercises in numpy. This gave me a flashback to my data science days – I can’t say that I enjoy the numpy documentation. Some of these felt like more numpy code golf more than anything. In any case, I got through sixteen of the exercises before ending my day. I might just jump straight to the PyTorch exercises tomorrow since I have less experience with that and others seem to think that it will be more useful than numpy code golf.


Yesterday I aimed to get my site deployed (done), learn more about ARENA (sortof done), and continue with my bytecode interpreter (didn’t touch it). I think I was a bit ambitious with my goals for the day since I didn’t take into account the number of calls I had so in the end I am satisfied.


  • Lots of calls, might end up not going to some in order to get more focus time. But I should probably go to the publication accountabilibuddies call if I’m trying to be more consistent about writing.
  • Continue experiments with CPU caching in between calls
  • Start PyTorch ARENA material if I have time